Woods - Call Back Auditions


The Into the Woods Casting Team would like to send a BIGthank you to each and every student that sent in an audition video! We fullyappreciate your effort to be part of this production. Unfortunately, given thenature of this musical and the complexity of its challenges we had to take manyfactors into account in making our callback list. If you did not get calledback, please understand this is in no way a reflection of your talent butrather the nature of the casting process and the constellation of individualsneeded for this particular show.

We encourage everyone to continueto audition for our many projects and productions throughout the year.Additionally, there are MANY opportunities for students to engage with thisproduction behind the scenes. Soon we will also be looking for key productionroles to be filled including Assistant Director, and Assistant Stage Managerpositions!

The Casting Team would like toinvite the following students to take part in our three days of callbacksJanuary 27-29 (Mon 2:30-5:00, Tues 2:30-4:00, Wed 2:30-4:30), If there is acharacter name next to yours familiarize yourself with the song(s) associatedwith this role (we'll be sending the 32 bar extracts in a message either latertoday or Saturday). You'll be asked to sing for this role on Monday. During theweek, we may ask you to sing and read for other roles, if needed. Be preparedto be flexible and patient with the process. Thank you and BREAK A LEG!:

  • Lochlan Gardener - Cinderella's Prince,Wolf
  • Kamryn Padinske - Cinderella'sMother
  • Alex Ramos - Narrator, MysteriousMan
  • Miah Merenda - Baker's Wife, Jack'sMother
  • Juliana Palmer - Witch
  • Abby Solondz - Baker's Wife, Jack'sMother, Witch
  • Mikayla Shook - Jack's Mother
  • Zoe Demas - Rapunzel
  • Mason King - Baker, Narrator
  • LolaRobinson - Cinderella, Step Sister
  • SebastianYoung - Baker, Jack, Rapunzel's Prince
  • EliseBergum - Witch, Jack's Mother
  • RileyJimenez - Rapunzel's Prince
  • AvaBernabe - Cinderella, Rapunzel
  • AustinDavis - Narrator, Mysterious Man, Cinderella's Father
  • EllaSimon - Ensemble, Milky White
  • MilaGomez - Baker's Wife, Little Red
  • GabbiCalifano - Witch, Baker's Wife
  • AddyGleason - Witch, Little Red, Stepsister
  • JoaKilbride - Wolf, Rapunzel's Prince
  • MaxSteinberger - Ensemble, Cinderella's Father, Milky White
  • MeganHindmarch - Cinderella's Stepmother
  • LilyHemani - Cinderella's Stepmother
  • AriaDallman - Stepsister
  • AnaSofiaMelchiorre - Cinderella, Rapunzel
  • VerityWingfield - Little Red, Stepsister
  • JacksonWeathers - Jack, Cinderella's Prince
  • EliBaldwin - Jack
  • PeytonStevens - Baker's Wife, Cinderella's Stepmother
  • MikaelaDiana - Little Red, Cinderella
  • AvaSanders - Little Red
  • CooperBretsch - Ensemble, Milky White, Mysterious Man
  • GabrielaHernandez-Bahena - Cinderella, Little Red
  • NadiaQuinones - Witch, Little Red
  • MarkosHalkias - Baker, Jack
  • LoganKeehl - Wolf, Rapunzel's Prince
  • ScarletBurton - Stepsister
  • TuesdayHorton - Jack's Mother
  • Karsyn Darst - Baker, Cinderella's Prince

Wednesday, January 29, 2025 2:30pm – 4:30pm

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