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For those of you who do not know… it is a tradition in the theatre to give your performer flowers at the end of their show. It is just a small way of saying “Bravo” for a job well done. 

ELHS Theatre Boosters is offering pre-ordered bouquets this week only for purchase for Into the Woods! All orders need to be placed by Friday, April 18. Flowers must be paid for in advance to guarantee a bouquet! We will only be ordering a handful of extras to have on site, at an increased cost!

Choose the size of the bouquet(s) you would like to purchase, as well which night(s) you would like flowers, and our Flower Committee will do the rest. We are offering two styles of bouquets, in two sizes each.


A small card to write a “Break-a-Leg!” note to the recipient will be available at the floral table upon pick up. You can pick them up after the performance - no need to hold them during the performance!

Item DescriptionPriceQty
 Large Bouquet$30.00Choose Bouquet Style: “The Enchanted Woods” Bouquet (Dark & Mysterious) 
“Happily Ever After” Bouquet (Romantic & Whimsical) 
“Witch’s Spell” Bouquet (Vibrant & Wild) 
 Small Bouquet$15.00Choose Bouquet Style: “The Enchanted Woods” Bouquet (Dark & Mysterious) 
“Happily Ever After” Bouquet (Romantic & Whimsical) 
“Witch’s Spell” Bouquet (Vibrant & Wild) 



Flowers graciously provided by Stay Gold Floral

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 Collaborator Level Sponsor



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Stage Enthusiast Sponsor


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