
The East Lake High School Theatre Booster Club, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Theatre Program at East Lake High School. We believe that theatre is an essential part of a well-rounded education, and we are committed to providing our students with the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

Our mission is to:

  • Raise funds to support the theatre program, including new equipment, costumes, scholarships, and travel expenses.
  • Provide volunteer support for the theatre department, including concessions, set building, and fundraising.
  • Promote the theatre program to the school community and the surrounding area.
  • Foster a love of theatre in our students and the community.

We believe that theatre can enrich the lives of our students in many ways. It can teach them teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. It can also help them develop their creativity and self-expression. We are proud to support the theatre program at East Lake High School, and we believe that our work is making a difference in the lives of our students.


Thank you to our sponsors!


 Collaborator Level Sponsor



Spotlight Level Sponsors 


Stage Enthusiast Sponsor


Spring Curtain Riser Sponsors


Fall Curtain Riser Sponsors




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